Meet Keegan

    Hi! My name is Keegan and I am a junior here at SJU studying Psychology! I'm very involved around campus working as an RA, an Orientation Leader, the VP of Phi Sigma Pi, and so many other organizations, but I also like to spend time with friends, and explore Philadelphia! During my time on Hawk Hill, I've been lucky enough to find a home away from home and have the time of my life! Coming to SJU might be the best decision I've ever made, and I can't wait to show you around!

    Monday, Wednesday Schedule

    • 12:20pm-1:35pm: Irish Environmental Writing
    • 1:50pm-3:05pm: Essentials of Management

    Tuesday, Thursday Schedule

    • 11am-12:15pm: Psychology of Prejudice
    • 12:30pm-1:45pm: Intro to Film
    • 2pm-3:15pm: Death and the Afterlife in Chinese Religions

    Friday Schedule

    • No classes available
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled