Meet Aubrey

Hi! My name is Aubrey and I am a sophomore here on Hawk Hill majoring in Chemical Biology with a minor in Art. Here at SJU I am very involved in athletics along with my academics. I am on the SJU Cheerleading team where you will often find me on the sideline cheering at both the women's and men's basketball games. I love hanging out with my friends and hanging around different spots on campus including the Barnes Arboretum and Barb beach. Along with being a cheerleader, I am involved in many campus clubs, participate in service events, am a part of the honors college, and I conduct research on campus. Hawk Hill has quickly become a second home for me and I am very excited to be able to show you around!
Monday Schedule
- No classes available
Tuesday, Thursday Schedule
- 11am-12:15pm: Creativity (Honors)
Wednesday, Friday Schedule
- 10:10am-11am: Biology Molecular Genetics